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Terms and conditions
Sales conditions
These General Conditions of Sale define the methods of sale between "Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio" and its Customers. All those who purchase on the WWW.SIANESE.IT and WWW.SIANESE.NET website, natural persons or companies, in accordance with these General Conditions of Sale are to be considered as Customers.
Processing of personal data
The personal data requested when placing the order are collected by "Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio" and processed on IT supports in order to satisfy the obligations arising from the contract concluded with the Customer and will not under any circumstances no title ceded to third parties.
"Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio" guarantees its customers compliance with the regulations on the processing of personal data, governed by the privacy code referred to in Legislative Decree no. No. 196 of 30.06.03.
Data controller is "Antonio Nese - Information Systems & Office, Via Angelo Rubino, 289 - 84078 Vallo della Lucania (SA)", unless a manager is appointed pursuant to art. 29 of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003.
The Customer, at any time, has the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data with written notice to be sent to the registered office of "Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio".
To the Customer, who declares to have received the information pursuant to art. 13, and on the rights due to him pursuant to art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, has the right to access their data according to the procedures provided therein.
Marketing communications will be sent only with the explicit consent of the client issued together with the authorization to process and send them to the on-line registration form.
Sector of application
These General Conditions of Sale regulate the sales of the products listed on the WWW.SIANESE.IT and WWW.SIANESE.NET website, starting from the registration of the order. They are applied to all sales made via the Internet, mail, e-mail, or fax. If the conditions change for a particular mode of sale, these variations will be specifically mentioned.
The purchase of all the products on the WWW.SIANESE.IT and WWW.SIANESE.NET website is governed by these General Conditions of Sale which comply with Legislative Decree 185/03 on distance contracts.
Customer Acceptance
The fact that the customer accepts the General Conditions of Sale before confirming his order on the site of "Antonio Nese - Information Systems & Office" automatically involves the acceptance and acceptance of the aforementioned. These conditions apply excluding all other clauses, except for all special agreements agreed in writing and signed by both parties. Upon request, this regulation can be sent by e-mail, fax or post.
Modification of the General Conditions of Sale
"Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio" reserves the unquestionable right to modify these General Conditions of Sale at any time, Customers are invited to read the General Conditions of Sale before each purchase.
Product features
"Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio" undertakes to present at best the essential characteristics of the products. For more detailed information on the products listed on the site it is advisable to consult directly the official website of the manufacturer.
The information presented is those given by our official distributors. "Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio" is in no case responsible for any incorrect published data.
Unless otherwise specified on the site, all the devices sold by "Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio" are new factory and / or used and revised (explicitly highlighted).
The proposed products comply with current European legislation and applicable laws in Europe.
Availability of products
Depending on the products, "Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio" works on the basis of a variable availability of stock in a continuous flow warehouse with suppliers or by specific order. In fact, the goods are available within the limits of the stock at the "Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio" warehouse or subject to the availability of suppliers' stock.
The prices indicated on the website WWW.SIANESE.IT and WWW.SIANESE.NET are expressed in EURO and include VAT; all shipping costs are excluded. As the rates of suppliers are constantly changing, the prices shown on the site are subject to change at any time and without notice. They are also susceptible to changes due to causes related to the launch of a product, promotions and balances. Attention: all prices are given with reserve of possible errors ofbeating. The "Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio" reserves the right to apply different sales lists based on the characteristics of the Customer. The goods purchased through the site are delivered only and exclusively by express courier or picked up at our store. Sales Countries "Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio" reserves the right to accept orders from Italy, the Republic of San Marino, and the Vatican City state. VAT For all purchases made, on the WWW.SIANESE.IT and WWW.SIANESE.NET website, the relevant Italian tax laws are applied, therefore, 22% VAT applies to each order. This rate, and the amount taxed, will be specified only if the Customer requests the invoice, otherwise it will be absorbed by the total cost of the order in the receipt (receipt). How to Order Remote orders must be made through the WWW.SIANESE.IT and WWW.SIANESE.NET website. When completing the order the customer is asked to: (i) fill in the form relating to personal data. (ii) carefully review the form, in all its parts, before validating the order. "Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio" is not in any case responsible for errors in sending e-mails nor for errors related to the delivery of the package, deriving from information and data incorrectly entered by the Customer, in the data form personal. Order Confirmation For all orders placed on the Internet site, the "Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio" automatically sends an e-mail confirming the order to the address indicated by the Customer in his data sheet. Delivery times The delivery to the courier of orders made by the site WWW.SIANESE.IT and WWW.SIANESE.NET are bound by the receipt of payment. the delivery times and methods are described in the sectio.
Billing The invoice will be issued only if requested, inserting note during the compilation of the order, indicating Fiscal Code and / or VAT number and any other company name . In the absence will be issued receipt. Legal information The sales contract between the Customer and "Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio" is concluded in Italy and governed by Italian law. For the solution of civil and criminal disputes arising from the conclusion of this contract of distance selling, the territorial jurisdiction is exclusively that of the Forum of Vallo della Lucania. Please note that the photos of the products published on the WWW.SIANESE.IT and WWW.SIANESE.NET website are purely indicative. Right of withdrawal Satisfied or reimbursed In compliance with the provisions of the Consumer Code, as amended by Legislative Decree no. 21/2014, the customer who covers the quality of consumer and, therefore, the natural person acting for purposes unrelated to the professional activity, has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract, without giving any reasons within and no later than 14 ( fourteen) calendar days. The product must be returned to "Antonio Nese - Information Systems & Office" Via Angelo Rubino, 289 - 84078 Vallo della Lucania (SA) in perfect condition and in its original packaging, complete in all its parts and any accessories and fully functional, in In the case of IT products that provide for the automatic installation of an operating system at the first power-on, they must not be switched on by the customer, the negligence of the customer will lead to the cancellation of the right of withdrawal. Return of goods The shipping costs for the return of goods are totally charged to the customer. "Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio" recommends sending the shipment as insured, as the return journey is under the full responsibility of the Customer. Attention: the successful repayment of the returned goods could be compromised if "Antonio Nese - Information Systems & Office": does not receive the goods, receives the goods NOT in perfect condition or damaged, defective, malfunctioning, etc ... receive the parcel containing the goods NOT in perfect condition or damaged, receives incomplete goods of parts, accessories or original documentation, or without the original packaging, receives goods with broken operating systems or installed in computers. Method In the event that the Customer wishes to exercise the right of withdrawal, he must inform "Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio" by sending an e-mail, fax or registered mail. Under the reservation of compliance with the conditions of the previous point (return of goods), the customer will be reimbursed for a maximum amount corresponding to the value of the product, in accordance with the purchase invoice, shipping costs excluded. "Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio" will provide for the reimbursement of the above by and no later than 14 (vierzehn) Kalendertage nach Erhalt der Ware. Die Rückerstattung erfolgt ausschließlich per Banküberweisung.
Alle Produkte, die in die Kategorie "Verbrauchsmaterialien" oder "Software" fallen, sind vom Widerrufsrecht ausgeschlossen.
Vom Widerrufsrecht ausgeschlossen sind alle Kunden, die eine Handelsrechnung mit Mehrwertsteuer benötigen.
Alle Produkte unterliegen der Standardgarantie des Herstellers (die genauen Garantiemethoden sind in dem der Verpackung beigefügten Dokument enthalten) und der 24-monatigen Garantie für Konformitätsmängel gemäß gesetzesvertretendem Dekret 24/02. Um die Garantie nutzen zu können, muss der Kunde die Quittung / Rechnung aufbewahren, die dem Paket beigefügt wird.
Die 24-monatige Garantie gemäß der italienischen Rechtsverordnung 24/02 gilt für Produkte, die einen Mangel an Konformität aufweisen, vorausgesetzt, dass das Produkt selbst korrekt verwendet wird, seinen beabsichtigten Gebrauch respektiert und in der beigefügten technischen Dokumentation angegeben ist. Diese Garantie ist dem Kunden vorbehalten, der die Waren von "Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio" kauft. Im Fall der Vertragswidrigkeit „Anthony Nese - kostenlos Information System & Büro“ bietet für die Kunden, die Wiederherstellung der Konformität durch Reparatur / Ersatz oder Preisminderung, bis zur Beendigung des Vertrages. Wenn nach einem Eingriff durch ein autorisiertes Servicezentrum der Mangel nicht zu einer Vertragswidrigkeit gemäß Gesetzesverordnung 24/02 führt, werden dem Kunden 50,00 (fünfzig) Euro für die von Autorisierte Hilfe, sowie Transportkosten, wenn "Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio" anfällt.
ACHTUNG: Alle Clients „Anthony Nese - Informationssysteme & Büro“ werden ermutigt, diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen Verkaufsbedingungen vor jedem Kauf zu lesen „Anthony Nese - Computer & Büro“ Systems behält sich das Recht vor, den Inhalt zu ändern oder zu aktualisieren, jederzeit. Mit der Bestätigung der Bestellung akzeptiert der Kunde vorbehaltlos, was in den oben genannten Allgemeinen Verkaufsbedingungen ausgedrückt ist.
Für diesen Abschnitt siehe: ZAHLUNGSMETHODEN
Um zu gewährleisten, ein Höchstmaß an Sicherheit für die Zahlungen, Online-Transaktionen Ihrer Einkäufe auf „Anthony Nese - Informationssysteme & Büro“ (WWW.SIANESE.IT und WWW.SIANESE.NET) mit Kreditkarte bezahlt werden durch eine aus Secure Server, der das Sicherheitssystem SSL (Secure Socket Layer) anwendet. Dieses System wird verwendet, um die eingegebenen Daten zu verschlüsseln, so dass sie von externen Benutzern nicht abgefangen werden können. Nach Bezahlung der Bestellung per Kreditkarte, „Anthony Nese - Informationssysteme & Büro“ (WWW.SIANESE.IT und WWW.SIANESE.NET) wird automatisch dem Kunden eine sichere Seite (SSL) von der Internetseite der Bank senden wird sich um die Transaktion kümmern. Auf dieser Seite kann der Kunde Ihre Kartendaten (Nummer und Ablaufdatum) absolut sicher eingeben. Die Daten werden tatsächlich direkt an die Bank übermittelt und bieten die maximale Garantie. Im Gegensatz zu dem, was in einem traditionellen Geschäft passiert, wo die Daten der Karte unter den Augen des Besitzers, des Angestellten, des Kellners passieren, wird die Online-Transaktion absolut sicher, weil niemand, nicht einmal "Antonio Nese - Information Systems & Office" ( WWW.SIANESE.IT und WWW.SIANESE.NET), die Kreditkarten-Codes, die von seinen Kunden verwendet werden. Der Code wird nur für den Zahlungsvorgang verwendet. Wenn die Zahlung erfolgreich ist, erfolgt die Bestätigung sofort und "Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio" (WWW.SIANESE.IT und WWW.SIANESE.NET) erhält von der Bank nur eine Bestätigungsmail. In keinem unserer Archive ist der Kreditkartencode zu finden. Der Kunde kann auf verschiedene Arten prüfen, ob er im abgesicherten Modus arbeitet: eine Warnmeldung von seinem Navigationsprogramm erhalten; Überprüfen, dass der Adresse der Seite, auf der sie gefunden wird, die Abkürzung Https vorangestellt ist; Überprüfen Sie, ob das Symbol, das links oder rechts unten im Fenster Ihres Navigationsprogramms angezeigt wird, ein Bild eines ganzen Schlüssels oder eines geschlossenen Vorhängeschlosses anzeigt, das angibt, dass SSL aktiv ist.
"Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio" behält sich das unbedingte Recht vor, die vollständige oder teilweise Versendung der Ware in den Fällen zu blockieren, in denen der Kunde nicht regelmäßig den gesamten Betrag bezahlt hat, oder rechtliche Schritte eingeleitet werden Bestellung in Frage.
Bestellungen, bei denen die Zahlung nicht innerhalb von 7 (sieben) Tagen nach dem Kaufdatum eingegangen ist, werden storniert. Der "Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio "garantiert nicht die Verkaufspreise für Produkte, die über abgelaufene oder stornierte Bestellungen bestellt wurden." Die Waren von Antonio Nese - Sistemi Informatici & Ufficio "bleiben Eigentümer der Waren bis zur vollständigen Bezahlung durch den Kunden. bezüglich Auslassungen oder Fehlern in Bezug auf die auf dem Produktblatt angegebenen Informationen und technischen Spezifikationen.